How PayFit Helps Infina Revolutionise Payroll Management For Their Clients

Oli Robertson
Last updated on July 23, 2024

Infina helps UK startups become more successful by providing world class finance and accounting support. It’s therefore essential that they have access to the right tools in order to do this on a consistent basis. And it’s why, from a payroll perspective, Infina have placed their trust in PayFit to tackle the important task of paying their clients’ people correctly, on time, every time.

One of these clients is VU.CITY, an urban planning technology company. In a nutshell, Infina manages VU.CITY’s payroll using PayFit, liaising on pay matters in a shared office space.

We spoke to Lauren Duffy, Finance Manager at Infina, and VU.CITY’s HR & Office Manager, Jessica Davidson, to understand the payroll challenges they’ve faced in the past, and how PayFit has helped them to overcome those. Read on to find out more!

The bad old days

Before PayFit, payroll processes for both Infina and VU.CITY were littered with frustrations. We’ve heard them from so many customers, so many times before, and in the case of these two companies they touch upon some familiar themes.

Constant back and forth

Infina have gradually transitioned all of their clients across to PayFit, something Lauren has been glad to accomplish. “It is super having all my clients on one payroll platform that works each month and causes me little to no headaches,” she states.

One of those headaches revolved around a challenge we hear about often, namely the incessant back and forth required to clarify certain information, correct mistakes or to produce a particular report.

“There was regularly lots of back and forth with our previous software provider”, Lauren explains. “They would share payroll reports with us and oftentimes, there was information that was missed or misinterpreted. I would have to go back to them and flag further changes to be made and wait for new reports to be produced and returned to me.”

Hidden fees

Whereas PayFit doesn’t charge users for amendments to payroll, or indeed for additions such as new starters (as it’s all done autonomously within the software), many other providers do. And this is a challenge that VU.CITY were aware of with their previous software. 

Jessica says that “the previous 3rd party provider would make mistakes, and then charge for amendments after the 1st review.”

A lack of expertise

Another thing that Jessica felt was missing from VU.CITY’s previous payroll provider was the knowledge and know-how to answer their queries, and keep things ticking along. 

In her words, they “tended to fall back on HR for advice, where it should’ve been the company’s area of expertise - i.e.: tax”. 

With PayFit, Jessica and Lauren are able to lean on expert support and advice from CIPP-accredited payroll professionals, with a wealth of experience in matters relating to UK legislation, compliance and everyday payroll management.


A much needed new approach

Clearly, things needed to change for both parties. Infina needed a software that could help them effectively deliver on their promises to clients, and VU.CITY needed the reassurance that payroll was something they could let go of, and that their people would be paid correctly, on time, every time.

Here’s how, in their own words, PayFit has helped them to do that.


Putting Infina in control

Reasserting a level of control over payroll has meant that Infina can then pass on that level of command to clients. 

“Where there are questions we work together to find the answer and PayFit helps to provide a transparent platform that we both can look at and sometimes test different things,” says Jessica. 

Infina have felt the benefits too, with Lauren pointing to the fact that “PayFit is very user friendly. Every month I can efficiently input payroll changes in real-time and see the effects that it will have on an individual's payslip.” 

She now spends a lot less time on VU.CITY’s payroll each month too (“2 hours with PayFit vs. 5 hours previously”), freeing up time to work collaboratively on the bigger picture stuff. 

Infina PayFit customer case study quote

Simplifying payroll

For Infina, having clients spread across different payroll softwares has made things complicated in the past, with varying processes, systems and levels of product capability to contend with. Transitioning everybody across to PayFit has been a breath of fresh air for Lauren, and has helped remove many of the stresses associated with having disjointed systems.

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Greater peace of mind for VU.CITY

The benefits of Infina having greater control over their clients’ payroll, getting sound support and advice, plus simplified and improved processes, has clearly filtered through to VU.CITY. 

“We are aware that for Infina the change to PayFit has significantly reduced the amount of time they are having to spend on our payroll,” remarks Jessica of her observations on the working relationship. 

This encompasses Infina no longer having to check a 3rd party’s work, or relay questions back and forth between VU.CITY and the 3rd party.

VU.CITY PayFit customer case study quote

If you are a finance partner to other companies, then why not partner with PayFit to deliver vastly improved payroll outcomes for your clients? You can find out more about our partnerships programmes here. And if you’re a business that is responsible for your own payroll and feel it’s time to gain greater control, save time, refine processes and deliver vastly improved outcomes for your own people, then get in touch to book a demo of PayFit below.

Want to experience the future of payroll?
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