A software engineering company

Fiona Mason of RDT Limited
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Number of staff80+

Why did RDT call on us?

A software engineering company based in Kent, RDT came to PayFit from an accountant-run payroll setup, something that Chief Human Resources Officer Fiona Mason found challenging, to say the least.

"Paying people is the most important thing that we do. We just spent so much time with this previous provider trying to rectify their errors and keep our people happy. It was horrible!"

As the company's HR leader, Fiona has loved being able to use PayFit to extract a lot more data much more easily, which she can show to other C-suite members in meetings. It's made a "real difference" to how she is able to communicate HR and payroll data to key stakeholders.

From the HR team's point of view, they love the fact that PayFit has freed up their time to do more meaningful work, rather than feeling like they were just "running payroll constantly".

And RDT's employees love PayFit too. Jack, a software QA engineer, is often required to do overtime, including weekend work. This means that his pay varies month to month. With RDT's previous payroll providers, his overtime pay was simply bundled in with his normal pay on the payslip, making it hard to work out what he'd been paid for overtime and if it was correct.

With PayFit, overtime is clearly separated out on the payslip each month, so he can see the hours and overtime rate distinct from standard pay, making it a lot clearer to understand.

PayFit just made it so easy. I felt like I knew how to run payroll, and I didn't, because PayFit kind of did it for me!

Pippa MoonHR Generalist

RDT's favourite features

PayFit payroll feature

The ease of running payroll

Pippa, RDT's HR generalist, was a payroll novice before using PayFit. But after getting access to our Academy, Pippa was able to learn how to run payroll before even having access to the system. She now finds running payroll so easy, as PayFit essentially does it for her, freeing up time to do her actual HR job!

Beautifully clear payslips

With many software engineers on the payroll who are regularly required to work overtime, it's important for them that these additional amounts are clearly separated out from standard pay on their payslips.

RDT's previous payroll provider didn't provide this service, leading to uncertainty around the amounts owed, but PayFit's beautiful payslips include overtime as a separate item, so there's no surprises.

Amazing customer service & support

Both Fiona & Pippa have spoken about how much they benefit from the level of customer service they get. And this didn't just stop after the sales process was over.

Now that RDT are fully onboarded, it's proving very helpful, with regular calls and updates on what they need to do, and how they need to do it. In Pippa's case, along with having access to PayFit Academy, it's taught her how to run payroll from scratch.

What benefits have they identified?

Accurate answers to payroll queries

As someone with little to no experience of running payroll, Pippa found it quite stressful answering staff payroll queries when everything was managed by an accountant. But having taken control of payroll by choosing PayFit, Pippa is able to provide quick answers to her employees, and knows that they are accurate.

Freeing up time for impactful work

PayFit has been shown to save HR teams up to 80% of the time they would normally spend running payroll. In Pippa's case, she states that she is now able to do her HR job - that is to say, serving the needs of her people - on a day to day basis. Before, it was a case of feeling like she was running payroll constantly.

Access to insightful data

As an HR leader, having access to insightful data is everything. PayFit has helped Fiona to get access to this a lot more quickly and easily, rather than having to go back and forth with her old accountant. Being able to present this in an easy to understand format to her Execs has made a huge difference to their decision making processes.

What PayFit brings to RDT

Smoother payroll
In their post-accountant world
Happier staff
Greater accuracy, better information

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